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It is generally defined as white fluid discharged from female genital. Sometime it flows as liquid and sometime it is sticky and thick. Its property changes according to the age of the women or when they travel too much. Vaginal discharges up to a certain extent are normal and healthy as they flush out the dead cells of reproductive organs and other toxic organisms. In healthy women discharge is whitish in colour. The abnormal vaginal discharge may be whitish, yellowish, reddish and blackish in colour. If it is thick, sticky, white and inflammatory, medical check-up is required. With symptoms perceivable and discharge abnormal, if there is profuse and unstoppable discharge which requires pad or it is not white but grey-white, yellow, green, brown or rust-like in colour and causes itching, it is a critical condition which necessitates serious treatment.


Breathlessness, Headache and Giddiness, Indigestion, Paleness, Anorexia, Pain in menstruation, General weakness, Polyuria, Pain & heaviness in lower abdomen, Constipation, Anaemia, Local soreness, Lumbago, Malaise, Pruritus are common symptoms.

Treatment Time:
2-3 Months

Estimated Cost:
900-1100 ₹ Per Month

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